MonaVie Miracles

~Drink it, Feel it, Share it~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to the Amazing Acai Berry

#1 Super Food in the World. For centuries, the people of the Amazon have revered the acai berry for its unique nutritional properties. Now validated by modern science, the acai is widely regarded as one of the world's most healthful and nutrient-dense fruits and boasts antioxidant power higher than any other fruit or vegetable ever tested.

Balance, Variety, Moderation. The quest to surround the acai berry with nature's best fruits began with 130 and concluded with just 18. The synergistic effect of MonaVie's unique blend of beneficial fruits from around the world is that it delivers benefits far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish. Drink It, Feel It, Share It. When a product works for you, it's easy to talk about it. Get paid for telling your story. MonaVie makes it easy. Drink it, Feel it, Share it! Take the Free Tour!
"The acai berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world -- nature's perfect energy fruit."- Dr. Nicholas Perricone, best-selling author of "The Perricone Promise"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! pertandingan sabung ayam yang sangat seru dari sudut AGAW melawan BIYA untuk anda yang mau menonton silahkan akses link ini